Each one of the characters is in their role all day and they have collectible cards with their photo and their story on the back that you collect throughout the day. They stay in character as they speak with you and it is very fun.
There are adorable gift shops, Christmas stores, fudge shops and more. At night they turn on all the Christmas lights to light up the street and they have the Las Posadas Procession where Mary and Joseph travel down the street looking for room in the inn. Their is a living nativity at the end of the night and a yule log bonfire in the park on Main Street.
On Friday nights the Master of Revels (also known as the Lord of Misrule) is by the rustic campfire where he tells tall tales while you make smores at the campfire.
They roast chestnuts on an open fire on Main Street.
There is a feast with Ebenezer Scrooge where Ebenezer is visited by the Christmas Spirits while you dine.
Their is an interactive model train with a train conductor and a Santa Land for children to play and make Christmas crafts and listen to Mrs. Claus tell stories. They also have a collectible ornament each year of one of the characters and it is only available to Main Street visitors during the festivities.
Although we did not stay until night to see all the festivities we did get to meet a few of the characters as we strolled the street. This definitely is something that we will be attending each year. The place was beautiful and we loved the characters and costumes...not to mention the yummy fudge. I hope you enjoy the pictures.
Main Street at Christmas.
Covered Wagon near a cafe.
One of the beautiful buildings on Main Street.
This is Pere Noel. He is the Father Christmas of France. The story on his card says that he travels with his pet donkey, Mistletoe, during Christmas to visit the children and bring them gifts. The children fill their shoes with carrots and hay and leave them by the fireplace for Mistletoe and they set out a glass of wine to entice Pere Noel to make a stop.
Stores on Main Street.
One of the parks.
Vicki with Ebenezer Scrooge. When Michael was speaking with him he told Michael that he needed to get back to work right now. It was amusing.
The parade down Main Street with the Fife and Drum Corps.
Clara and the Nutcracker.
The Snow Queen.
Horse drawn carriage rides are available.
Father Christmas of England.
This is Kris Kringle, or as he was also known, Belsnickle. Belsnickle is a derivative of the German "Pelz-nickle", which means "Nicholas in Furs ". Belsnickle would travel the Pennsylvania countryside ringing his bell looking for good children to give out his small gifts of cakes and nuts.
This is Julenisse, the Scandinavian Santa. He travels with his pet goat, Yuley, on Christmas Eve to visit the homes of the good children. If you have been good all year long, Yuley knocks his horns against your front door three times. When you come to answer the knock – Julenisse greets you with your gift, and a small paper basket of candy to be hung on your Christmas tree. In exchange, you should have a bowl of porridge ready for them to eat before they continue to the neighbor’s home.
In the background is Civil War Santa who was made popular by the drawings created by Thomas Nast during the war between the states.
Carolers on Main Street.
Some of the adorable shops on Main Street.
The Christmas Tree in one of the parks.
Father Christmas of England passing out his card to the children.
Some of the carolers who travel down the street singing all throughout the day.

Jack Frost. He was originally named Jokul Frosti, meaning Icicle Frost, by the Norse Vikings. He is from Scandinavian legend and is known for his artistic talents. He can often be seen sneaking through towns late at night painting beautiful frost designs on windows.