Tree with presents under it once again :-)
My adorable niece, Nikki.
Nikki looking at the ornaments on the tree.
Michael opening some gifts from my mom...his Grandma Laabs.
Michael being silly as Greg and I go through the gourmet basket my mom brought us. And I just noticed that Greg is holding Spike's new toy...guess I know what to get him next year...hehe ;-)
Nikki laughing at her silly cousin. I am so glad that they were able to see each other this Christmas.
Going through more gifts together....I think Spike is looking for his new toy that Greg is holding..hehe :-)
Well...sort of a family photo...I tried to get Michael to smile....He said that looking back we will be able to remember how funny he was....that works for me.

Greg and I.
Michael in his new clothes...what a handsome boy he is.